How do we begin to express our gratitude for someone who has had such an impact on all of our lives? How do we even attempt to articulate it?
Teacher Barbara has been the heart and soul of LPPP for the last 25 years. She helped grow our school from a small parent group to the large thriving program we have today. She has touched the lives of so many families; sharing her creativity and enthusiasm for teaching with so many. The traditional LPPP moments that are so unique to our program came from her heart. Crazy Dress up Day, Pirate Day, Dad’s Night, Mother’s Day Tea, and Tunnel of Love...we can’t think of LPPP without thinking of these experiences. These traditions have become the foundation of our curriculum. Our children remember that Teacher Barbara was always there to bring fun and magic. Our parents remember that we learned life lessons and grew as parents under her direction a
nd leadership.
On the surface, the purpose of this letter is to announce the end of an era. To share with all of you that we are embarking on Barbara’s last few months with LPPP, her official last day on December 16th, announcing the beginning of the end of our time together at school.
But instead I want to somehow look at this as a beginning and to start the process of storytelling. Let’s “tell” the story of what Barbara has meant to us. Let’s share the memories of our times together, the impact that she has had on all of our lives.
For me, it is difficult putting into words what I feel has been imprinted in our hearts. How do I say that every memory I have of the last 15 years at LP
PP has somehow had her in it? How do I write the myriad of stories into a single letter? How do I communicate how grateful I am for all that I have learned, through joys and hardships? Well, in the words of the wise Yoda, “Do or Do Not. There is no try.” So, I will share the stories through letter writing and I ask you to join me. I will tell the stories of overcoming obstacles together, like moving our school 3 times in 5 years, persevering through the growing pains of being the largest co-op in Orange County with the fewest number of employees, the struggles of re-inventing ourselves during a pandemic? I will share the belly laughing stories of Barbara beating small children with pool noodles while sword fighting a
nd knocking them over with pillows on pajama days? Her outfits. Her costumes. Her songs. Her favorite foods. Her sarcasm. Her jokes. Her energy. Oh the stories I will tell. The stories we can all tell. Even our long gone LPPP pets would have a few words to say about Barbara.
Let’s share stories!
Write your stories down. Send us your letters. In March, our California Council of Parent Participation Nursery Schools will be honoring her with a Lifetime Achievement Award and we need your letters to make that possible. We've been busy collecting stories! Haven't shared yours yet? You may email your letters to Carissa Fleshman at operations@lagunapreschool.com or drop off handwritten letters to our white drop box at the gate of our campus. The “official” letter book is complete, it’s never too late to send love and appreciation. In addition, we can appreciate her on social media by sharing pictures and memories there.
In the meantime, let’s enjoy every last moment we have with her at school. Let’s appreciate her for all that she continues to give. And let’s celebrate her time at LPPP with our stories and memories. Hugs and love to you all!
Teacher Jackie